Representations received
A representation is the description used in our governing legislation for any instance of concern raised with us about how public authorities discharge their environmental law responsibilities or the effectiveness of environmental law itself.
The tables below list the nature of the representations we have received, the environmental category to which they relate and how we have dealt or are dealing with them. They are ordered starting with the most recent at the top.
We have powers to scrutinise the actions of public authorities on all aspects of environmental law however, we are not regulators and cannot, for example, consider applications for consents, permissions or provide licences. We are also not an appeals or complaints body, so cannot reconsider decision making on individual decisions or applications. This is what we mean when we conclude that a representation relates to an individual regulatory decision.
In some cases, another scrutiny or oversight body will be better placed to consider the matter of concern and when this is the case we will signpost the person, group or organisation making the representation to these bodies or refer them to an alternative source of advice or resolution. This is what we mean when we conclude that there is an alternative remedy available.
Case ref | Environmental Category | Summary of Representation | Status and decision |
IESS.25.002 | Water | Consideration of Scottish Water’s duty to provide sewerage infrastructure under the Sewerage (Scotland) Act. | Open – Representation under evaluation |
Case ref | Environmental Category | Summary of Representation | Status and decision |
IESS.24.074 | Cross Cutting Environmental Governance | Consideration of regulatory response to damage to SSSI | Open – representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.073 | Climate Change | Consideration of Marine Scotland’s duties under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 | Open – representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.071 | Population, Human Health and Cultural Heritage | Consideration of potential impact from geoengineering activities undertaken within Scotland’s airspace | Closed – Representation did not meet ESS criteria for investigation
IESS.24.069 | Cross-cutting environmental governance | Consideration of pollution from dairy farming is not adequately addressed | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.067 | Water | Consideration of public authorities’ duty to secure compliance with the Water Framework Directive
Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.064 | Water | Consideration of Scottish Government’s compliance and implementation of environmental law with regards to the management of Scotland’s inshore waters | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.062 | Cross cutting environmental governance | Concern that Perth and Kinross Council are not following due process in respect of EIA for a leisure development | Closed – Representation relates to another case.
IESS.24.061 | Cross cutting environmental governance | Consideration of the statutory role of NatureScot within the development management consultee process | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.060 | Biodiversity Fauna and Floras | Consideration of the requirement to complete a Strategic Environmental Assessment to support new legislation
Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.058 | Population, Human Health and Cultural Heritage | Consideration of local authorities’ operational procedures to assist and resolve public health concerns | Closed – alternative remedy
IESS.24.055 | Resource Use and Waste | Consideration of the responsibilities to control the releases of plastic pellet pollution and mitigate the impacts of releases | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.047 | Air Quality | Consideration of the efficacy and enforcement of engine idling laws | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.046 | Resource Use and Waste | Consideration of incineration overcapacity | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.044 | Land and Soil | Consideration of Scottish Forestry enforcement of felling licences and local authority planning enforcement on protected site. | Closed – subsumed into another case |
IESS.24.043 | Land and Soil | Consideration of Scottish Forestry enforcement of felling licences and local authority planning enforcement on protected site. | Closed – subsumed into another case |
IESS.24.042 | Land and Soil | Consideration of Scottish Forestry enforcement of felling licences and local authority planning enforcement on protected site. | Closed – subsumed into another case |
IESS.24.041 | Land and Soil | Consideration of Scottish Forestry enforcement of felling licences and local authority planning enforcement on protected site. | Closed – subsumed into another case |
IESS.24.040 | Cross-cutting environmental governance | Consideration of RPID’s compliance with duty to produce an EIA public register | Closed – informal resolution achieved
IESS.24.039 | Water | Consideration of report of river pollution | Closed – awaiting further information from contact |
IESS.24.034 | Water | Consideration of systems to ensure appropriate waste water treatment work capacity | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.033 | Resource use and Waste | Consideration of regulatory response to highway litter | Open – representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.031 | Land and Soil | Consideration of the effectiveness of the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 | Suspended |
IESS.24.029 | Biodiversity Fauna and Floras | Consideration of the current arrangements in respect of wrasse fishing activities on protected areas/species | Closed – Informal resolution with monitoring achieved
IESS.24.026 | Climate Change | Consideration of the Scottish Government’s duty to report when annual climate targets are not met
Closed – summary report issued
IESS.24.023 | Marine | Consideration of SEPA’s water quality sampling practices and licences permitting sewage effluent outfall to the Cromarty Firth | Open – representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.022 | Water | Consideration of the identification, recording and monitoring processes for environmental pollution incidents | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.021 | Land and Soil | Allegations that Perth and Kinross Council are not following due process in respect of cumulative EIA’s | Open – Representation under evaluation |
IESS.24.019 | Biodiversity Fauna and Floras | Consideration of the sufficiency of SEPA’s sea lice framework to protect wild salmon | Open – Representation under evaluation |
Cross-cutting environmental governance | Consideration of Scottish Forestry’s duty to publish environmental impact assessment information | Closed – informal resolution achieved
Land and Soil | Consideration of local authorities’ approach to identifying contaminated land | Open – Representation under evaluation |
Water | Consideration of Scottish Water’s sampling duties | Closed – No contact details supplied |
Land and Soil | Consideration of disturbing a historical landfill during construction | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Other | Consideration of the cumulative effects of wind farms | Closed – No evidence of environmental harm found
Resource use and Waste | Consideration of local authorities’ assessments regarding the location of waste recycling hubs | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Other | Consideration of the Energy Consents Unit approach to consenting wind farms | Closed – No evidence of environmental harm found
Case ref | Environmental Category | Summary of Representation | Status and decision |
Population, Human Health and Cultural Heritage | Consideration of local authorities’ assessment of housing conditions and repairing standards | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Water | Consideration of SEPA’s enforcement of CAR licence conditions | Closed – No evidence of environmental failure
Water | Consideration of SEPA’s alleged failure when assessing compliance of CAR licence conditions
in respect of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) |
Closed – No evidence of environmental failure
Water | Consideration of how SEPA assesses the impact of controlled activities on other users of the water environment before determining a CAR license application | Closed – No evidence of environmental failure
Resource use and Waste | Consideration of how SEPA regulates shooting ranges | Closed – Representation did not meet ESS criteria for investigation
Land and Soil | Consideration of a local authority’s policies regarding the applicability of the contaminated land regime | Closed – Representation did not meet ESS criteria for investigation
Cross cutting environmental governance | Consideration of SEPA’s duty to maintain a public register for PPC information | Closed – Informal resolution achieved
Land and Soil | Consideration of NPF4 policies with respect to a planning decision | Closed – Relating to individual decision and alternative remedy available
Biodiversity Fauna and Floras | Consideration of whether EU Birds Directive has been fully implemented in Scotland | Open – moved to investigation |
Land and Soil | Consideration of habitat destruction on agricultural sites | Closed – Informal Resolution achieved
Climate Change | Consideration of the effectiveness of the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan | Closed – Pre-investigation enquiries concluded – case will be subject to ongoing monitoring
Climate Change | Consideration of the requirement to produce climate assessments of the Infrastructure Investment Plan | Closed – Informal resolution achieved
Water | Consideration of the impact of lead shot on private drinking water supply | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Water | Consideration of the regulatory responsibilities in respect of silt pollution. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Population, Human Health and Cultural Heritage | Consideration of the response to rodent infestation in a public place. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Land and Soil | Consideration of the requirements for protected sites given in National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). | Closed – Representation did not meet ESS criteria for investigation
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of beaver translocation licences. | Closed – Informal resolution achieved
Water | Consideration of the requirements to designate new bathing waters in Scotland. | Closed – informal resolution achieved
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of NatureScot’s decision to authorise the culling of wild deer. | Closed – Relating to individual regulatory decision and no evidence of wider systemic failure
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the sustainable use of natural resources by NatureScot in respect of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. | Closed – Relating to individual regulatory decision and alternative remedy available
Case ref | Environmental Category | Summary of Representation | Status and decision |
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the effectiveness of the law and systems surrounding the bycatch and discard of fish. | Open – Moved to investigation |
Water | Consideration of SEPA’s alleged failure to enforce licence conditions issued under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011. | Closed – Informal resolution achieved
Resource and Material Use / Re-use | Consideration of SEPA’s handling of a site alleged to be working in breach of European and national standards. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of NatureScot’s compliance with its duty to protect and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. | Closed – Relating to individual regulatory decision and alternative remedy available
Land and Soil | Consideration of the delayed implementation of recommendations contained within the Scottish Government’s Review of the Storage and Spreading of Sewage Sludge on Land in Scotland. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Land and Soil | Consideration of local permitted planning policies and practices in respect of development proposals on land designated as a special area of conservation (SAC) or/and a special protection area (SPA). | Closed – Informal resolution achieved
Cross Cutting Environmental Governance | Consideration of Scotland’s implementation of the requirements of the Aarhus Convention in respect of access to justice in environmental matters. | Closed – Summary report issued – case will be subject to ongoing monitoring |
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the impact assessment regime associated with planning / development control in respect of Special Protection Areas. | Closed – Relating to individual regulatory decision and no evidence of wider systemic failure
Land and Soil | Consideration of local planning policies and guidelines in respect of the felling of protected trees and nested habitats. | Closed – Relating to individual regulatory decision and alternative remedy available
Population, Human Health and Cultural Heritage | Consideration of the enforcement of smoke drift emanating from a neighbouring residential property. | Closed – Representation did not meet ESS criteria for investigation
Air | Consideration of the responsibility for operations, monitoring and reporting of pollution incidents at a local quarry site. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Population, Human Health and Cultural Heritage | Consideration of the implementation, enforcement and environmental impacts relating to the roll out of 20 mph speed limits. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the licencing and enforcement regimes in respect of redundant weirs and structures in Scottish rivers. | Closed – Pre-investigation enquiries concluded – case will be subject to ongoing monitoring
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the effectiveness of the site protection system in respect of ‘Ramsar’ sites (wetland sites of international importance) in Scotland. | Case was closed in September 2022 after pre-investigation enquiries concluded and subject to ongoing monitoring.
Case re-opened in February 2024 and under evaluation |
Case ref | Environmental Category | Summary of Representation | Status and decision |
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the licencing and enforcement regimes in respect of the use of Acoustic Deterrent Devices in the marine environment. | Closed – Pre-investigation enquiries concluded – informal resolution achieved with Marine Scotland
Biodiversity, Fauna and Flora | Consideration of the responsibilities in respect of environmental damage caused by non-ionising radiation technologies. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Water Supply and Drainage | Consideration of the responsibility for non-domestic water services and any associated environmental concerns. | Closed – Alternative remedy available
Climate Change | Consideration of the systems in place to support local authorities in the delivery of climate change targets. | Closed – Improvement Report issued to Scottish Government
Land and Soil | Consideration of Scottish Forestry’s failure to publish guidance on soil cultivation. | Closed – Resolved |