Descriptive Conditions in CAR WWTW Licences
Guidance on non-compliance and impact
14 November 2023 Issue: 1.0
Some CAR licences for point source discharges issued by SEPA contain descriptive conditions which should be assessed for compliance during programmed inspections or as part of our response to environmental events. Descriptive conditions generally cover oil or grease, sewage solids, discolouration, foaming and sewage fungus in the receiving water environment. These descriptors will be appropriate to the discharge and will usually not also be covered by a numeric standard. However, if there is a numeric standard (for example, for oil), then this will take precedence over any descriptive condition for oil within the licence. However, there are circumstances where assessment of the descriptive condition allows SEPA to take action even if there is no breach of the numeric standard.
The following guidance focuses on rivers (which account for the majority of discharges), but if you have any questions about how this guidance relates to other types of water body (for example, lochs or coastal waters) please seek further advice from technical staff within SEPA.
It is important to be clear that, although the word ‘significant’ is a feature of descriptive licence conditions, non-compliance with the descriptive conditions in CAR licences will not always equate to significant environmental harm. Nevertheless, it is still important for SEPA to be able to act on descriptive condition non-compliance as this may allow an issue to be picked up early and prevent more serious impact.
Our environmental event categorisation is a framework which summarises the scale/seriousness of impact. For those circumstances that are likely to be consistent with a category 3 scale of environmental impact a proportionate response will typically be to record the non-compliance against the relevant descriptive condition and communicate this to the operator. In addition, appropriate enforcement action will be taken in line with SEPA’s Enforcement Policy and Enforcement Guidance.
For example, it may be appropriate to require that remedial action is undertaken; this may include removal of the offending material from the watercourse and/or addressing the root cause of the issue in order to prevent a recurrence which could cause greater environmental impacts, such as a category 1 or 2 scale environmental event or persistent localised category 3 environmental impact.
In circumstances that are consistent with category 1 or 2 scale of impact, SEPA will record the non-compliance against the relevant descriptive condition and communicate this to the operator. In addition, appropriate enforcement action will be taken in line with SEPA’s Enforcement Policy and Enforcement Guidance. This Enforcement Guidance requires consideration of enforcement outcomes and environmental factors, including intent, foreseeability, impact, financial implications, deterrent effect and previous history in deciding what type of enforcement action is most appropriate in any situation.
It should be noted that licences for some low-risk point source discharges may only have descriptive conditions, and these are not normally routinely inspected.
Officers should be aware of discharge mixing zones when assessing the significance of any impact, including the results of laboratory analyses of river water samples.
Working this out precisely can be complicated, but as a rule of thumb for rivers, the mixing zone may extend downstream for a distance of between 20 and 100 river widths. In shallow, wide rivers, full width mixing may not be achieved for several kilometres downstream. At the same time, however, adequate protection must be given to flora and fauna in that stretch.
As each discharge is unique in terms of the sensitivities of the receiving watercourse, the definitions below are to be used as guidance only. The inspecting officer must use their professional judgement and discretion when assessing the level of significance, both in terms of visual scale and environmental impact. If in doubt as to the level of significance, please seek advice from an experienced colleague.
Further guidance on the major descriptive conditions (along with examples) is given below and in Annex 1.
- Descriptive Conditions – circumstances likely to represent a non- compliance
A significant visible impact on the receiving waters due to the presence of oil and/or grease.
A continuous oily sheen visible in the discharge and/or a near continuous sheen visible in the watercourse downstream are likely to represent a breach of the descriptive licence condition. This indicates that oil levels in the discharge are likely to be greater than 5 mg/l which is the standard numeric condition used to control oil levels in a discharge.
Visible evidence of oil being caught on stones and vegetation downstream could also be considered significant as this may potentially be having an impact on the flora and fauna within the receiving waters.
Note that rules governing how oil should be stored on most authorised sites you visit are covered in GBR26 and GBR28 of CAR (see SEPA’s CAR Practical guide for more information).
The significant deposition of sewage solids on the banks or bed of the receiving waters
Sewage solids include identifiable faecal matter, and sanitary products like tampons and wet wipes etc. Circumstances which are likely to represent a breach of the descriptive licence condition include:
- sanitary products entrained immediately around the WWTW discharge outfall causing a restriction to flow (e.g. solids captured on an outfall grill covering more than a quarter of the grill)
- sanitary products entrained or trapped on bank, bed or vegetation downstream of the outfall in a quantity that exceeds an average of 1 item per metre within 5 river widths or 20 metres downstream of the outfall (whichever is smaller)
- any faecal matter that is clearly visible at the outfall or immediately downstream of the outfall in the bed or banks of the river
Significant discolouration of the receiving waters
For organic discharges such as those from waste water treatment works, assessment of the numeric suspended solids limit condition on the discharge should normally take precedence over the descriptive condition. However, there are circumstances where assessment of the descriptive condition allows SEPA to take action even if there is no breach of the suspended solids limit condition on the discharge.
An example would be where the location of the outfall prevents proper mixing of the discharge with the receiving waters. In this case, circumstances which are likely to represent a breach of the descriptive licence condition would be discolouration visible over a distance downstream of the outfall that is greater than 10 metres or the width of the river (whichever is smaller).
For discharges that contain inorganic constituents such as silt, assessment of the numeric suspended solids limit condition on the discharge should normally take precedence over the descriptive condition. If there is no suspended solids discharge limit condition within the licence or the discharge ceases before it is possible to take a sample, or the material causing the discolouration is soluble in water (i.e. will not contribute to level of suspended solids in the discharge), the descriptive condition can be assessed if appropriate. Circumstances which are likely to represent a breach of the descriptive licence condition for a discharge containing inorganic constituents would be when the discolouration is visible over a distance downstream of the discharge point that is greater than 100 metres or 2 river widths (whichever is the lesser).
Significant increased foaming in the receiving waters
This condition requires a comparison of the waterbody upstream and downstream of the discharge. Circumstances which are likely to represent a breach of the descriptive licence condition include a clear increase in the quantity of foam seen downstream, for example, over a distance of more than 20 metres or the width of the river (whichever is greater).
The ecological impact of foam can be difficult to assess as it depends on the nature of the substance producing the foam. Foaming can also occur naturally, usually in peaty water, although if this is the case, there should not be significant increases in foam downstream of the discharge outfall compared to levels visible upstream of the outfall.
Significant growth of sewage fungus in the receiving waters
The significance of the sewage fungus will be related to flow conditions and the length of watercourse affected. In most cases, circumstances which are likely to represent a breach of the descriptive licence condition are where sewage fungus is present across all or most of the river channel and/or:
- in rivers that are less than 2 metres wide, the sewage fungus is visible for more than 5 river widths downstream of the outfall
- in rivers that are greater than 2 metres in width, the sewage fungus is visible for more than 10 metres downstream of the outfall
Sewage fungus identified through ecological surveys over a distance of 20 river widths or 100 metres downstream of the outfall (whichever is smaller) is also likely to indicate a breach of the descriptive licence condition, even if the sewage fungus is only present under stones and therefore not visible from the banks. However, in this case, other potential sources of organic pollutant will need to be eliminated to ensure the impact is being caused by the discharge in question.
Note: sewage fungus is complex. The fungus attaches itself as whitish or greyish tufts to stones in the river bed, and often only appears in riffles and not the pools in between. The term really includes a number of organisms of which 2 common ones are the filamentous bacterium, Sphaerotilus natans and the fungus Leptomitus lactes.
Conditions which favour the growth of sewage fungus are the presence of organic matter (nitrogenous organic matter, or carbohydrates in the presence of ammonium salts and nitrates), some dissolved oxygen (growth will not occur in the complete absence of dissolved oxygen), pH of between 7 & 8 and a fairly high temperature).
Be aware of seasonal differences. Fungus may be evident during winter as a result of slower biological processes. When sewage fungus dies, it undergoes decomposition which can result in the formation of hydrogen sulphide.
Annex 1 – Descriptive conditions: factors to consider in assessing scale of impact
1.1 Significant visible impact on the receiving waters due to the presence of oil and/or grease.
Factors to consider when assessing the significance of impact from oil and/or grease on receiving waters:
- is the source a hazardous or toxic substance?
- the scale, duration and frequency of the visible impact
- the sensitivity of the receiving waters – is it a SSSI or SAC or does it have other designations? If so, are the qualifying interests likely to be impacted by the oil/grease?
- the available dilution provided by the receiving waters
- evidence of ecological impacts such as oiling of birds, dead fish or invertebrates
- impacts on amenity or commercial interests
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 3 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- a one-off accidental spill of oil or fuel causing a short-lived oily sheen on the receiving water visible for 100 metres downstream of the outfall, visible oil trapped in vegetation for 10 m downstream of the outfall, public complaints of odour for one day but no indication of other impacts on downstream water users
Examples of non-compliances that are likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 1 or 2 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- a leaking fuel tank that causes a sustained oily sheen on the receiving water over a distance of 500 metres for more than 2 days. As a consequence, the local rowing club who use the river has to cancel a rowing event due to potential impacts on their equipment as well as health/wellbeing concerns
- the discharge of used engine oil that is deposited on the bed of the waterbody and causes a toxic adverse impact on the invertebrate assemblages over a distance of 200 metres downstream of the outfall
Significant deposition of sewage solids on the banks or bed of the receiving waters
Factors to consider when assessing the significance of impact of sewage solids on receiving waters
- nature of the sewage solids impact – sanitary products and wipes (mainly aesthetic) or faecal matter (aesthetic but also more potential for ecological impacts)
- length of Impact
- quantity of sewage rags – the total number observed over the full length of impact and concentration around specific areas (such as bends in the river and vegetation)
- distribution of sewage solids – typically sanitary products within the river
Sewage solids observed higher than the level of the river in trees may be indicative of extreme storm events that result in screens being bypassed/overtopped, lower on the banks and in the river may be suggestive of a failing screen.
- apparent age of rags can indicate if the impact results from a one-off recent event, or a longer-term chronic issue
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 3 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- sewage solids caught in vegetation on the banks of a 5-metre-wide river averaging 2 items per metre measured over a distance of 20 metres downstream of the outfall
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 1 or 2 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- sewage solids visible for a distance of 500 metres downstream of the outfall, caught at all levels on the river banks. The majority of sewage solids look fresh, numbers hard to estimate but likely higher than 500 in total, caught in trees and vegetation
Significant discolouration of the receiving waters
Factors to consider when assessing the significance of a discolouration impact on the receiving waters:
- is the source hazardous or toxic?
- is the source organic (possibly more polluting potential) or inert (possibly less polluting potential) or soluble in water?
- the scale, duration and frequency of the visible discolouration impact
- the available dilution provided by the receiving waters
- the sensitivity of the receiving waters – is it a SSSI or SAC or other designation, or are there pearl mussels present? Are the qualifying interests likely to be impacted by the discolouration?
- evidence of ecological impacts such as dead fish or invertebrates, smothered fish spawning redds
- impacts on amenity or commercial interests
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 3 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- the discharge from a WWTW is compliant with the numerical suspended solids discharge limit but damage to the outfall pipe is causing it to pool in an area of slack water within the river and cause discolouration over a distance of 10 metres downstream
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 1 or 2 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- a discharge from a WWTW is contaminated by a significant spill of white emulsion paint that causes discolouration in the receiving waters (a river) over a distance of 200 metres before it enters a small loch. The loch has a commercial fly-fishing business that is forced to close for 3 days due to the presence of the discolouration in the water
Significant increased foaming in the receiving waters
Factors to consider when assessing the significance of foaming in the receiving waters:
- is the source hazardous or toxic?
- the scale, duration and frequency of the foaming incidents
- the sensitivity of the receiving waters – is it a SSSI or SAC or does it have another designation? If so are the qualifying interests likely to be impacted by the foam?
- evidence of ecological impacts such as dead fish, amphibians or invertebrates
- impacts on amenity or commercial interests
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 3 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- a shallow foamy layer is covering the entire width of a 2-metre-wide river and visible for up to a distance of 100 metres downstream of the discharge outfall. No visual impacts on the river ecology are detected
Examples of non-compliances that are likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 1 or 2 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- ‘icebergs’ of foam across all or most of the width of the river for at least 500 metres downstream of the discharge point and an identified ecological impact on the river ecology
Significant growth of sewage fungus in the receiving waters
Factors to consider when assessing the significance of impact from sewage fungus on the receiving waters:
- nature of the sewage fungus – sporadic clumps, continuous coverage, is it smothering the bed?
- length of Impact – length of river visually affected, nature of sewage fungus along that length
- nature of the receiving waters – size, flow, designations, amenity, fisheries, downstream water users
- time of year – spawning, are redds likely to be present, warm or cold weather
- is there an ecological impact on invertebrates? If so, is there a downgrade, over what length of river?
Example of non-compliance that is likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 3 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- clumps of sewage fungus visible on river-bed for a distance of 20 metres downstream of an WWTW outfall, no visible impact on river ecology
Examples of non-compliances that are likely to have an environmental impact typical of a category 1 or 2 event as described in SEPA’s environmental events guidance:
- thick blanket of sewage fungus present on bed across the entire width of a 5-metre-wide river, extending 100 metres downstream of the discharge outfall. Ecological surveys show clear adverse impact on invertebrate assemblages along the impacted stretch of river
- sewage fungus visible under stones during ecological assessments of a river-bed for 500 metres downstream of the discharge outfall. Ecology assessments demonstrate a WFD classification downgrade in river ecology over the 500-metre stretch of river