Who will ESS seek information from during its investigation?
Public authorities are under a duty to co-operate with ESS and we have significant powers to require information from them. Given the number of actors involved, there may be a number of public authorities holding information relevant to our investigation. Although the Scottish Government and Marine Directorate are the bodies under investigation, ESS will also obtain relevant information from any public authority which we identify as holding it. We are also keen for anyone who believes they have relevant information to get in touch with us.
How will you investigate?
The investigation will progress through various stages, from initial planning to devising lines of enquiry and seeking information, after which all of the information we receive will be carefully analysed. We will thereafter draw our conclusions, seeking expert advice should this be considered necessary.
How long will the investigation take?
As the nature and complexity of each investigation is different, providing a general timescale is difficult. Having said this, we will endeavour to work as quickly and efficiently as possible and will provide relevant parties with an estimate of the completion date of each investigation as soon as we can.
Will parties be updated on the progress of the investigation?
Yes – all relevant parties to an investigation will be regularly updated on our progress. A dedicated staff member will also be available should relevant parties have any questions or queries in this regard.
Will you issue a report of your findings?
Yes – ESS intends to work openly and transparently. At the conclusion of our investigations we will issue draft reports to relevant parties for comment, after which we will finalise and publish on our website.
What are the possible outcomes of your investigation?
Our governing legislation requires us to set out how we intend to engage with the public authorities we investigate with a view to swiftly resolving matters without recourse to our formal powers (what we call ‘informal resolution’). As informal resolution can be a relatively quick and efficient way of securing appropriate outcomes, we will actively consider this option throughout the life of an investigation. ESS also has significant formal enforcement powers and, where we find a public authority has not complied with environmental law, we can issue a compliance notice which the public authority must implement. We can also issue improvement reports which must be acted upon through the submission of an improvement plan to Parliament.
Can the public authority chose not to comply with ESS’ decision to take enforcement action?
Our governing legislation allows a public authority to appeal only our decision to issue a compliance notice. Public authorities have 21 days from the date of us issuing a compliance notice to appeal to a sheriff. In the absence of an appeal, the compliance notice must be implemented by the public authority.
March 2024