Public registers are important repositories of information because they provide consistency, integrity and a canonical, authoritative account of specific information held in a single location.
Freely available information on EIAs, in the context of the 2017 Regulations, helps the public and relevant authorities understand the possible environmental effects of projects and to inform the decision-making process. In turn, this allows for greater transparency and accountability of public authorities.
This is specifically recognised in the Aarhus convention[4] which sets out that ‘in the field of the environment, improved access to information and public participation in decision-making enhances the quality and the implementation of decisions, contributes to public awareness of environmental issues, gives the public the opportunity to express its concerns and enables public authorities to take account of such concerns’.
Lastly, the provision of information on public registers allows for compliance with other legislative requirements to be determined, for example the timescales required for producing screening and scoping opinions.
Following assessment of the representation, ESS approached RPID to discuss the concerns raised. RPID confirmed that it was aware of the concerns raised and was making progress on improving the functionality of the application website to ensure compliance with Regulation 21 of the 2017 Regulations. However, at that point no date for completion had been set.
Following these discussions and on reviewing the evidence, ESS considered that RPID was not compliant with the requirements of Regulation 21 of the 2017 Regulations as not all necessary EIA documents were available for inspection on the application website. Additionally, the lack of timescale for full functionality was important as, without a defined end point, the full disclosure of the required information, and therefore compliance with Regulation 21 of the 2017 Regulations, could not be guaranteed.
In ESS’ view, the failings identified were within RPID’s ability to rectify and there was no immediate risk of significant harm to the environment or human health. In light of this, ESS invited RPID to resolve matters informally.
[4] The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters