Following receipt of the representation, ESS approached the SG in May 2023 to confirm whether Scottish Ministers had published an assessment in accordance with section 94A(2) of the 2009 Act.
The SG responded that, in its view, Annex C of the IIP and the SEA post-adoption statement fulfilled the duty, and confirmed that no other publication in respect of the duty had been published. The SG explained that Annex C contained a carbon assessment which was based on a taxonomy approach but accepted that these methodologies have limitations. The SG stated that it was minded to explore further the deployment of a more detailed methodology or methodologies which would be taken forward in conjunction with the Joint Review of the Budget (JRB) [7] on matters related to climate change. Accordingly, ESS decided to await the SG’s response to the JRB process, which occurred in June 2023.
ESS thereafter assessed Annex C of the IIP against the section 94A(2) duty. Annex C was presented as a carbon assessment and contained a simple, example-only, ‘traffic light’ style taxonomy whereby each of the spending lines identified in the IIP could have red (high carbon), amber (neutral carbon) or green (low carbon) status applied. Annex C acknowledged that the approach used gave only ‘a partial or crude’ estimate and did not capture all measures in the budget, particularly those in the neutral category. Annex C noted that the SG had commissioned an independent research project to explore alternative options[8] and that exploration of more detailed methodologies would be taken forward in conjunction with the JRB.
Although Annex C estimated that 36.9% of capital budget could be classed as low carbon, as the taxonomy did not link to the spending lines in the IIP, in ESS’ view there was no way of identifying which projects were likely to be high, neutral, or low. It was accordingly unclear how specific capital spending could be assessed against its climate impacts. Furthermore, no explanation was given as to the meaning of red (high carbon), amber (neutral carbon) or green (low carbon) status.
The SEA post adoption statement formed the conclusion of the SEA process and described the consultation on the draft IIP and SEA, resulting in the adoption of a number of recommendations to improve environmental outcomes arising from the IIP. In ESS’ view, neither of these documents, when read individually or together, provided an assessment of the extent to which investment in accordance with the IIP might contribute to meeting reductions targets such that it would satisfy the section 94A(2) duty. Accordingly, ESS concluded that the central assertion within the representation was well made and, on 1 September 2023, invited the SG to resolve matters informally.
On 14 September 2023, the SG informed ESS that Scottish Ministers had accepted that Annex C of the IIP and the SEA post-adoption statement did not meet the requirements of section 94A(2) of the 2009 Act. The SG explained that urgent work was underway to ensure that the duty was discharged in full. The SG requested a further period of time to revert to ESS on:
- the extent of the duty to be discharged
- how it proposed to discharge this duty
- anticipated timescales for completion of the work required
Subsequently, the SG agreed that the entire duty required to be discharged and that a new enhanced taxonomy would be developed to assess the extent to which the IIP is contributing to emissions reductions targets. A deadline of December 2023 was agreed for completion of the new assessment, which was published on the SG’s website on 17 January 2024.[9]
[7] The aim of the Joint SG/Scottish Parliament Review of the Budget was to improve budget information on climate change, chiefly to understand and reduce government spend that would ‘lock in’ future greenhouse gas emissions and align the budget and climate change plans.
[8] *Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Infrastructure Investment Decisions (ed.ac.uk)
[9] Supporting documents – Infrastructure investment plan 2021-2022 to 2025-2026: carbon assessment – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)