Risk identification process
Soils are not a static entity and are continuously evolving in response to changes in natural soil forming factors (time, climate, geology, landform and biota) and how land is managed. However, soils and the services that they provide are at risk from excessive pressures from human activity and climate change. ESS set out to identify these risks to soils and the risks that degraded soils pose to the wider environment and cultural heritage.
To ensure that as many of the risks were identified as possible, a review of relevant government and academic literature was carried out. The review was sense-checked by engaging with a range of regulators, organisations and businesses with an interest in soil. To minimise the inherent risk of bias in the analysis, care was taken to speak to a wide range of stakeholders with business, environment, government and NGO perspectives. Stakeholders were interviewed using the same set of questions. A full list of stakeholders that ESS contacted is included in Annex 1.
At the end of this stage of the process, ESS identified a range of risks to soil health and to the services provided by soil. These risks have been placed into the following broad categories for review by determining which soil property was the driver for the risk, or which human activity was the driver for the risk from or to soil health:
- from application of waste to land
- from biodiversity loss
- from carbon sequestration schemes
- from compaction
- from contamination
- from the approach to data and monitoring
- from disease and pests
- from erosion
- from landfilling waste soil
- to soil carbon
- from soil sealing
- to and from water retention, flooding and drought
These risks were arrived at through stakeholder engagement and are not exhaustive. The categories were assessed individually to determine the nature and scale of the issue in Scotland and the impact the issue is having. There are several detailed datasets on soils in Scotland. However, at this stage a review of major datasets including the findings of the National Soil Inventory for Scotland (NSIS), BioSOIL and LUCAS (the EU JRC’s Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey) has not been carried out due to the high-level nature of this scoping and framing report. These and other large datasets may be reviewed in the future, as part of more detailed work that is commissioned as a result of this report.
Risk prioritisation process
Following analysis, the twelve risks to soil health, soil services and the wider environment were prioritised using a set of prioritisation criteria that mirrored those used in ESS’ Strategic Plan.[1] The risks were scored high, medium or low based on: the severity and likelihood of the impact (indicating risk magnitude); the nature and scope of the issue; neglect of the issue in policy; the value that ESS can add by looking at a topic; a comparison with other countries; and ESS’ level of confidence in the evidence available and knowledge of each topic at this stage. All criteria used the same scoring system and were not weighted based on their importance. There is an element of judgement in the application of the scores, but the method presented is repeatable and proportionate for a scoping exercise.
Each score level was assigned a number reflecting the severity of impact and assessment of level of certainty in ESS’ knowledge (1 for the lowest severity or highest confidence, to 3 for highest severity and lowest confidence). An overall risk category (high, medium or low) was then determined from the total scores. A matrix showing the risk assessment scores and the detailed criteria used to determine the scores is included in Annex 3.
Detailed information and evidence relating to each risk is presented in the following sections, beginning with risks associated with key indicators of: soil health (compaction [section 4.8]; erosion [section 4.18]; water retention [section 4.28]; soil carbon [section 4.35]; biodiversity [section 4.44]; and pests and diseases [section 4.50]). This is followed by the risks associated with waste management, development and the built environment: (contamination [section 4.56]; soil sealing [section 4.67]; landfilling waste soil [section 4.75]; application of waste [section 4.83]; and carbon sequestration schemes [section 4.90]), noting that these activities will adversely affect the core indicators of soil health. Finally, information and evidence relating to the risk from Scotland’s approach to data and monitoring is presented (section 4.94). For each risk, a brief overview of the issue is provided, alongside the associated pressures, current status in Scotland and other European nations and relevant legislation. ESS’ score is then set out for each risk, with our intended next steps.
Risks from compaction
Soil compaction results in a breakdown of soil structure and is caused when excessive force is applied to soil. It was identified as one of the main threats in the State of Scotland’s Soils Report.[8] Compaction costs Scottish farmers over £25 million in crop losses and additional fuel use, and this could rise to over £70 million as compaction worsens.[9]
Compaction results in a change in the organisation of pores in the soil (reduction in size, loss of connectivity), which can impede free movement of liquid and air throughout the soil profile and increases its bulk density, impacting soil function and soil services. Compaction can result in reduced biodiversity, water infiltration and drought resistance. It can also lead to increased erosion, waterlogging, nitrous oxide emissions and flooding.[38][39][40] This can include localised surface water flooding (flooding on land) and an increase in the impact of fluvial flooding (flooding from rivers) downstream.[41]
Compaction also reduces oxygen levels and impedes nutrient flows in the soil which restricts root establishment and crop growth.[38] Compaction threatens food security as it can lead to drops in crop yields.[42] Land management practices that increase biodiversity and soil carbon can help reduce the risk of compaction. Reduced compaction also leads to reduced erosion and reduces carbon emissions from soils.[38][39][40][43]
Soil compaction is caused by farm machinery, livestock, construction, overgrazing by deer and recreational activities.[38][8] Heavy machinery and agricultural activity are considered the main causes of subsoil compaction.[38] However, compaction from non-regenerative agriculture is difficult to avoid during long wet spells, and the increasing demand for food from a growing population and market pressures have driven farmers to increase machinery size and livestock densities and work in poor weather conditions for soil.[40][8] Increasing weather volatility due to climate change is also leading to work being carried out in poor weather.
The power, and therefore weight, of farm machinery used in Europe has increased since the 1950s with wheel loads increasing from under 2 tonnes to around 9 tonnes.[44][45] Increased machinery weight transmits stresses deeper into the soil profile. A study in Denmark found that wheel loads over 3-4 tonnes are likely to cause persistent compaction in subsoil.[8] The increase in machinery weight has led to increases in compaction and drops in crop yields. As machinery size has increased, tyre-soil contact area of the machines has increased at a slower rate. This means that there has been an overall increase of the average stress at areas of contact between tyres and soil.[44]
The lack of a systematic national survey of soil means that there is insufficient data on soil compaction, from either direct measurements or from proxies like bulk density, in Scotland for ESS to make a full assessment of the state of compaction as part of this scoping and framing report. As a result, this report and previous studies have not been able to provide a quantitative assessment of the extent of soil compaction at a national scale.
The lack of data also makes it difficult to predict future trends in compaction associated with climate change and increased rainfall.[38] The NSIS (2007-2009) found that approximately one third of soils sampled in eastern and central Scotland had an air filled porosity value of less than 0.1 m3 m-3 which is considered to restrict root growth.[38] In Europe, 25% of soils are significantly compacted and in the UK 22% of sample sites were classified as severely or highly degraded in 2004, based (in part) on compaction status.[46][47] A 2015 survey of a selected number of Scottish farmers carried out by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) found that 70% of their grassland fields had poor or moderate soil structure.[48]
There is no legislation in Scotland to regulate compaction, although the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) does require that development is carried out in a manner that protects soil from compaction and erosion.[49] Under the replacement for Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Good Agriculture and Environmental Conditions (GAEC) 5 requires Scottish farmers to minimise soil erosion. Farmers are required to meet these rules to receive full payments under certain schemes and there are also penalties for non-compliance. The guidance does give some stipulations for compaction, but only where it causes increased erosion. The guidance recommends cultivating post-harvest land and late harvested crops using primary cultivation methods such as ploughing.[50]
The proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law requires member states to monitor subsoil compaction using bulk density in subsoil, or an equivalent parameter. Topsoil compaction must also be monitored, but no criteria are provided, and member states are not required to set any. Subsoil compaction is to be monitored in all non-natural environments, which would include construction sites as well as farmland.[2]
Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW) published a report assessing the socio-economic impacts of soil degradation in 2024. This recommended that a national field-based assessment of the extent of topsoil and subsoil compaction is carried out, as required by the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law. The report also recommended that further research is carried out in relation to compaction and climate, that flood risk mapping and modelling is linked to estimates of additional run-off from compacted soils and that a framework is developed to combine the impacts and costs of compaction and erosion.[9]
Risk assessment – High: The severity of the impact of compaction and erosion on soil services is considered high and is impacting the ability of soil to absorb and store water. There is a lack of legislation relating to these risks and they all appear to be getting worse. Compaction, erosion, water retention and soil carbon content are all closely linked so ESS proposes to combine these topics for more detailed analysis in a further analytical project which will start in 2024. This will be an in-depth analytical project which will review these specific topic areas in greater detail and may make any recommendations required to reduce these risks.
Risks from erosion
Erosion of soil is a naturally occurring process. However, soil erosion on inappropriately managed land occurs at elevated levels, which can lead to negative impacts on soil health, soil services and the wider environment. This includes soil and nutrient run off into water bodies which causes pollution, loss of nutrient rich topsoil and a reduction in crop productivity. Erosion may also impact biodiversity by moving seeds and displacing soil fauna and can spread disease vectors across fields.[38] The proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law recognises that airborne soil particles produced by wind erosion also cause or worsen respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.[2]
Erosion of agricultural soils is estimated to cost the Scottish economy around £49.5 million per year, including costs for drinking water treatment.[51] In Scotland, soil erosion by surface water run-off (rather than wind) is the dominant process. Vulnerability to soil erosion increases where soil organic matter content is reduced, due to poor soil structure and extreme rainfall and is linked to agricultural practices such as tillage.[8][38] Soil erosion risk is also linked to compaction, particularly on agricultural and forestry land and construction sites. Water cannot infiltrate compacted soils and instead moves over the surface, taking soil with it.[38]
Observed erosion rates in Scotland in arable areas range from 0.01 tonnes per hectare per year (t ha-1 yr-1) to 23.0 t ha-1 yr-1, compared to a tolerable limit of 1.0 t ha-1 yr-1.[51] However, the lack of a comprehensive monitoring network in Scotland, means that it is not known whether the number of incidences and magnitude of erosion is increasing or decreasing.
Based on the findings of a literature review carried out by Cranfield University and the Hutton Institute, the average soil loss from arable and improved grass agricultural land in Scotland is between 1 and 10 t ha-1 yr-1.[51] Erosion rates reported from 2010 for the EU and UK combined as a whole averaged 2.22 -2.46 t ha-1 yr-1 of soil lost from agricultural land, forests and semi-natural areas in erosion prone land through water erosion for all areas and erosion prone land respectively.[52]
The cost of erosion to the Scottish economy is significant and is linked to several other risks identified in this report. In agricultural systems, dealing with the consequences of erosion (gully formation, soil displacement, embankment instability) creates recurrent annual costs to farmers. Tillage and other land preparation will ‘restore’ the soil to remove erosion features that occurs during a growing season. In 2019, erosion in Scotland was estimated to cost £49.5 million per year due to increased treatment of drinking water, declines in yields, additional fertiliser and greenhouse gas emissions.[51] This is in addition to the costs to wildlife and fisheries.
Soil erosion is one of the most significant risks to the conservation of archaeological sites.[53] Archaeological evidence at or near the surface can be damaged by machinery which erodes and compacts soil. While compacted soil may help preserve archaeology by limiting water infiltration and root penetration, compacted soils are more prone to erosion. Only one study on the impact of soil condition on archaeology in Scotland has been identified.[54] The study found that agriculture (in particular ploughing) and erosion has caused significant damage to archaeology.[54]
The risks to archaeology should be considered during Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) carried out before certain agricultural work and development projects. ESS has reached an informal resolution with the Rural Payments and Inspections Division (RPID) on the implementation of agricultural environmental impact assessments regulations that should help reduce risks in this area by enforcing the requirement for assessments to be produced before carrying out certain agricultural practices.[55]
There is a good understanding of the processes initiating soil erosion and available mapping of risk of erosion in Scotland, but there is no systematic nationwide survey of erosion in Scotland. The lack of a consistent monitoring regime makes it difficult to monitor trends or the scale of the problem of erosion.
As with compaction, there is no legislation in Scotland to regulate erosion, although the NPF4 does require that development is carried out in a manner that protects soil from erosion.[49] Under CAP, GAEC requirements included mandatory soil protection measures against erosion including limiting bare soils, promoting reduced tillage, the increased use of grass margins and maintaining stone walls. The available evidence implies that GAEC has led to a 9.5% reduction in soil loss rates, with a reduction of over 30% in the UK, one of the highest falls in the EU.[52]
The proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law includes soil erosion rate as one of the mandatory health indicators, with a criterion of <2 t ha-1 yr-1 set at Union level.[2] The criteria are being regularly exceeded across Scotland.[51][52] The EU proposal recognised that the criterion does not apply to badland (dry areas of eroded sedimentary rocks and clay) and other unmanaged natural land with inherent high risk of erosion. This is likely the case in many Scottish Highland areas, where the exceedance is due to the presence of highly organic soils and/or peat and natural processes associated with mountainous areas.[51][52]
Risk assessment – High: As erosion is linked to other important aspects of soil health and poses a risk to food security, flooding and reduced drought resistance the risk is considered high. There is no legislation relating to erosion. ESS proposes to consider erosion in conjunction with compaction, soil carbon content and water retention in the proposed analytical project detailed in the previous section.
Risks from and to water retention, drought resistance and flooding
Soil moisture content is linked to a range of processes including drainage, run off, infiltration and plant growth. Soil’s ability to retain water depends on several soil characteristics such as its texture, soil organic matter (SOM) content and structure. It is linked to soil sealing, biodiversity, erosion and compaction.[8] Where soils are in good structural condition, the infiltration rate of water into the ground and the water-holding capacity of soil is higher. This in turn reduces flooding risk by reducing surface water run-off into water bodies. It also provides better conditions for crop growth.[8][38] As discussed in other sections, soil structure can be easily damaged through compaction, a reduction in SOM or a decline in biodiversity.[21] An additional 1% of flooding caused by soil compaction or sealing could increase local authority flood damage costs by £2.6 million per year and lead to insurance claims of £57-76,000 per property for a single flood event.[9]
During drought conditions, low levels of soil moisture content reduces the amount of water entering watercourses and poses a threat to drinking water availability. Soils become hydrophobic meaning that during storms water does not enter the soil and flash flooding can occur.[56][57] Soils appear to be disproportionately affected by drought with soil moisture dropping more than rainfall during dry periods. For example, a study in the Cairngorms during a period of drought in summer 2018 found that soil moisture was less than 50% of the summer average, despite rainfall only dropping by 37%.[58]
Soil sealing in urban environments reduces the amount of water that infiltrates into soil, and can affect soil’s ability to filter out contaminants from water, impacting surface water quality.[8] Surface water-run off, which has collected contaminants such as fertiliser, hydrocarbons and heavy metals and cannot infiltrate into soil due to sealing, may enter water courses directly, leading to surface water contamination.[59][8]
Climate change will also impact the moisture content of soils. Projected climate changes for 2070-2080 indicate that Scotland will face a drop in moisture content of 1-3% of field capacity (the amount of water retained in soil after excess water has drained). This compares to 3-5% in Denmark and an increase of up to 2% in Estonia and Western Sweden.[21] Scotland is expected to experience more frequent and more severe droughts due to climate change.
Between 1961 and 1990, Scotland had summer soil moisture at around 80-90% of field capacity, which is comparable to EU countries on a similar latitude.[21] However, Scotland compares unfavourably to Europe on other factors impacting water retention including compaction. In addition, biodiversity is in decline and there is the potential to increase soil carbon stocks, both of which impact water retention.[21]
No policy has been identified in Scotland relating to soil water retention capacity. Policies such as the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 and Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 mention soil, but in relation to preventing a negative impact on groundwater quality. The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 does not contain any mention of soil. Soil water retention capacity is also not monitored in NSIS.
The reduction of soil capacity to retain water is a soil health indicator that the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law will require member states to monitor. The criteria for this indicator will be set by Member States.[2]
Risk assessment – Medium: Climate change will lead to increased drought and flooding. Soils have the potential to mitigate some of these impacts in both urban areas and the wider countryside and to be part of a nature-based solution to mitigate the impact of climate change. However, the ability of soils in Scotland to retain water is expected to fall less than that in EU countries on a similar latitude. Soils’ ability to retain water is intrinsically linked to other factors including compaction, erosion and soil carbon content which will be considered as part of the proposed analytical project detailed in the previous sections.
Risks to soil carbon
Soil contains both organic and inorganic carbon. Most soil carbon is organic (SOC) in the form of soil organic matter (SOM) derived from biological activity. Carbon levels vary according to soil type, with peatland soils (peat soil and some peaty soils) making a particularly significant contribution to Scotland’s soil carbon stocks. SOM is essential to maintain many bio-chemical soil processes and their relationship with healthy soil biodiversity, it helps maintain good soil structure which in turn can reduce the risk of erosion and compaction.[60] It is also linked to soil fertility and nutrient levels, and climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience.[17][61]
Carbon loss from soil can be in the form of greenhouse gas emissions, or as dissolved carbon into the water environment and particulate loss. All losses contribute to climate change, including particle and dissolved carbon loss due to breakdown. Through natural processes soils can sequester carbon. These processes can be enhanced to mitigate climate change (see Risk from Carbon Sequestration Schemes section).
SOM stocks in arable soils can decline for several reasons. Crops use organic matter from soil to support their growth. Harvesting of crops and removal of crops residues can deplete SOM if nutrient or fertiliser application via manures and organic materials such as sewage sludge, compost or anaerobic digestate is insufficient to replenish soil stocks. High tillage intensity (ploughing, rolling or cultivating soil with machinery), a lack of crop diversity and imbalanced use of artificial fertilisers can also lead to lower levels of soil carbon by disturbing other component of nutrient cycles.[61]
Long term data collection suggests that total soil carbon stocks, including in agricultural soils, appear to have remained stable over several decades in Scotland. [62][7] However, the time scale at which SOM changes operate (decadal) and the fragmented nature and scale of soil monitoring in Scotland means that there is uncertainty over trends in Scotland’s soil carbon stocks and the potential for the existing data, which indicates that soil carbon levels are static, to be misleading.[7]
There is some clear evidence of a link between certain practices and changes to SOM, but no robust (statistically reliable) evidence for country level changes. Many of the changes are estimated via model prediction rather than direct measurements. This does not diminish the relevance of the direction of change, but makes it difficult to quantify the magnitude of the change. The largest long-term assessment of soil carbon levels identified in Scotland looked at up to 1,000 topsoil samples, but only in the north east of the country.[62]
EU wide, soils are overall losing carbon.[21] However, in Switzerland soils have absorbed more carbon from the atmosphere than they have lost in all but three years between 1990 and 2022.[63] This suggests that while Scotland compares well to the EU by potentially maintaining stable carbon stocks, there is the ability to achieve a positive trend in soil carbon stocks. Indeed, studies have found Scottish soils have the capacity to store more carbon.[7]
Scottish Government has recognised the importance of carbon storage and carbon sequestration in peat soil and pledged £250 million to restore 250,000 hectares of peatland between 2020 and 2030, to protect the existing resources and enhance its ability to capture more carbon from the atmosphere.[64] Between 2020 and 2023, around 35,000 hectares of degraded peatland has been restored and so the rate at which land is being restored will need to increase significantly if the 2030 target is to be met.[65] However, the 2024 Programme for Government confirmed that the ambition for the area of peatland to be restored in 2024-25 was only 10,000 hectares, half that of the previous target (20,000 hectares).[66][67] Nevertheless, the focus on peat soils is in contrast to the relative neglect of non-peat soils in legislation and policy. There are no targets for the restoration of non-peat soils and, as a result, non-peat soils have been the main focus of this report.
NPF4 aims to protect peatland and carbon-rich soils by allowing development and commercial peat extraction on such soils unless it is essential and only in certain circumstances and with a site-specific assessment. NPF4’s policy intent in relation to soils is “to protect carbon rich soils, restore peatlands and minimise disturbance to soils from development”.[49]
Other than those relating to peatland, no Scottish Government policy regulating soil carbon has been identified.
Risk assessment – Medium: Soil carbon stocks in Scotland appear to have been static for several decades. However, they can be improved and stocks in non-peat soils may be falling. As soil carbon has an impact on compaction and erosion rates ESS will consider it in relation to those risks as part of the proposed analytical project detailed in the previous sections.
Risks from biodiversity loss
Soil provides a habitat for over half of the world’s species, and in turn soil biota play a vital role in maintaining soil health and in the provision of soil services including releasing nutrients from soil organic matter (SOM), forming and maintaining soil structure and regulating soil infiltration and water retention.[21] Risks to soil biodiversity are linked to other soil risks including erosion, compaction, water retention, drought resistance and flooding potential.[8]
Soil biodiversity is threatened by multiple pressures. A synthesis of research from 107 European soil experts identified intensive human land use and exploitation of soil as the greatest potential threat to soil biodiversity.[68] The application of pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, synthetic fertilisers and other agrochemicals can have a negative effect on soil biodiversity.[69][70] Compacted soils are also likely to have lower biodiversity, with soils compacted by machinery and subject to tillage containing, on average, a sixth of the number of earthworms in soil farmed using no-wheel and no-tillage methods.[71] Erosion also redistributes seeds and microorganisms, changing biodiversity across an ecosystem.
While there is significant research on the impacts of particular practices and land use changes on soil biodiversity in Scotland, no overarching data on the proportion of soils at risk of biodiversity loss or on systematic monitoring of trends in soil biodiversity in Scotland have been identified. The only research identified relating to soil biodiversity in Scotland is small scale, examining the effects of using different fertilisers and other inputs. In the absence of trend data, it is not possible to determine if soil biodiversity is increasing or in decline. However, the Biodiversity Intactness Indicator does provide information on overall biodiversity in Scotland and indicates that: around half of historic land-based biodiversity has been retained in Scotland; and Scotland ranks in the bottom 25% of nations for overall biodiversity intactness.[72] The lack of soil specific data makes it difficult to determine the contribution that soil biodiversity is making to the overall biodiversity decline.
In comparison, EU-wide research has identified that in 14 out of 27 EU countries, 40% of soils are at moderate-high to high potential risk of soil biodiversity loss, with arable soils exposed to the most pressure.[68] The Swiss Soil Monitoring Network (NABO) is the only legally mandated soil monitoring network identified by ESS in Europe. NABO has gathered soil biodiversity data on microbial biomass, fungal and bacterial communities, environmental DNA (eDNA) and soil respiration since 2012.[73] After five years of monitoring, land-use related differences in microbiological parameters were found. However, changes over time in the parameters were typically small. An earlier NABO study noted that it can take six years before it can be determined if changes in the biodiversity parameters are caused by the environment.[74] It is not possible to compare trends in biodiversity between Scotland and Switzerland because data has not been gathered over a sufficient time period in Switzerland and there is no comparable data from Scotland.
Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy sets out goals to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and restore biodiversity by 2045. The strategy includes a series of outcomes including that “soil health will be improved by tackling organic carbon loss, erosion and compaction to act as a nature-based solution to biodiversity loss”. A monitoring and evaluation framework will be published alongside the final strategy and supporting delivery plan. This will set out how improvements in soil biodiversity will be assessed, although it is not clear at this stage what form this will take as no detailed monitoring regime or improvement plans are included in the Biodiversity Strategy. The proposed Natural Environment Bill and the Biodiversity Strategy will work alongside each other to set out statutory elements and policy to protect biodiversity.
The proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law will require member states to monitor soil biodiversity using soil basal respiration (mm3 O2 g-1 hr-1) in addition to some optional parameters.[2] Consultation feedback to the proposal highlighted that soil basal respiration rate is an indicator of microbial or metabolic activity and not an indicator of biodiversity and so may not be an appropriate metric.[75] Additionally, the EU’s proposed Nature Restoration Law uses soil organic carbon in cropland soils as an indicator for biodiversity.[3]
Risk assessment – High: Biodiversity is in decline in Scotland, but no overarching, national scale studies or surveys on soil biodiversity and how it is changing over time have been identified. Studies tend to focus on the impact of particular inputs on biodiversity. The impact of soil biodiversity loss is significant, impacting soil health and the wider environment. However, the absence of research in this area means any value ESS can add is low until further evidence emerges. ESS has recommended that Scottish Government, in association with the wider public sector (e.g. NatureScot, SEPA and Scottish Forestry amongst others), commission further research into soil biodiversity, including rates of change in soil biodiversity. This would be supported by monitoring introduced as part of legislation to keep pace with the EU Soil Monitoring Law, which will help build the evidence base for a range of soil properties which impact soil biodiversity.
Risks from soilborne diseases and pests
Soils are a vector for diseases and pests that pose risks to plants, crops and to national food security. Wild plants and forests (both natural and farmed or productive forestry) are at risk from soilborne diseases and pests. Climate change may increase the risk of soilborne pathogens to trees. Milder and wetter winters make the survival of pathogens more likely, increasing the risk of disease in trees.[76]
In Scotland, plant health controls are based on the EU Plant Health Regime and are implemented by the Plant Health (Official Controls and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Regulations 2019.[77] The regulations require soil testing prior to planting of seed potatoes and a selection of rooted plants, bulbs, tubers and rhizomes plants to prevent the establishment and spread of all plant pests. To proceed with planting, potato cyst nematodes (PCN) must be absent.[78]
PCN and other notifiable diseases are monitored by Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA). The Plant Health Centre undertakes research into plant health threats in Scotland and provides scientific evidence to the Chief Plant Health Officer Scotland to inform policy decisions. SASA and the Plant Health Centre monitor and research other non-notifiable, known and emerging diseases and pests. This includes research on diseases and pests which have not yet been detected in the UK such as ‘Xylella fastidiosa’, a bacteria spread by insects.[79]
Ministers have been active in responding to soilborne diseases and pests. The PCN working group was formed in 2020 and has made recommendations for Scottish Government. The working group identified that 13% of land used for growing bulbs and potatoes was infested with PCN, and that this is increasing in spread by 5% per year with the potential for no seed potato or bulb production in Scotland by 2050.[80][81] However, infestation rates in Scotland compare favourably to England and Wales, although the country’s status as a producer of seeds means the spread is potentially more concerning.[81] The government has responded to the PCN working group’s recommendations by launching a project to research PCN and limit its spread.
The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy will aim to protect and support the recovery of vulnerable and important species and habitats (objective four of the Strategy) by supporting “surveillance and monitoring to manage pathogens and disease risks”. A new Scottish Plant Health Strategy will be published in late 2024.[72] Scotland’s 2012 non-native species code of practice also defines how soils should be moved to prevent the spread of nonindigenous flatworms.[82]
While not linked specifically to organisms identified as pests, bioturbation (the disturbance of soil by living organisms, particularly roots) and aggressive soil environments (e.g. soils with high acidity or sulphate content) were also identified as threats posed by soil to archaeology close to the surface.[54]
Risk assessment – Low: The Plant Health Centre and SASA carry out studies on emerging diseases and the findings are available on their websites. The Centre has also carried out a project to improve its communications with stakeholders which should improve access to information for farmers. ESS is therefore satisfied that sufficient work is being done in relation to soilborne diseases and pests and no further work by ESS in this area is proposed.
Risks from contamination
Soil contamination is widespread across Scotland. It is predominantly a consequence of industry, but also arises from other human activities and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Contaminated soil may impact soil biota, groundwater, surface water and drinking water supplies, risking human health, and aquatic life. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition poses a potential risk of soil acidification, eutrophication and an increase in toxicity to organisms living in semi-natural soil.[83]
The geographic distribution of soil contamination varies in Scotland. For example, concentrations of heavy metals are significantly higher in urban soils in Glasgow and the Clyde Basin compared to rural areas. There is also a geographical association between soil metal concentrations and areas of deprivation.[84]
The release of contaminants in Scotland is regulated by a range of legislation such as the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 and the Environmental Protection Act. Under Part 2A, where a local authority identifies that because of substances in or under the land and there is a risk of significant harm to the health of living organisms or ecological systems, or pollution to the water environment or harm or pollution is occurring, the land becomes legally defined as contaminated land.[29]
Local authorities are required by Part 2A to identify and investigate potentially contaminated sites. If the site is formally identified as contaminated, the local authority must place the site on a publicly available contaminated land register and the identify appropriate person who is then required to pay for and carry out any remediation. The local authority may designate a site as a special site, in which case SEPA becomes the enforcing authority and responsible for securing remediation. For example, special sites may have been where activities requiring Integrated Pollution Controls have been carried out.
During stakeholder engagement for this report, it was suggested that some local authorities are not identifying sites under Part 2A or putting contaminated sites on a register. Stakeholders, including local authorities and contaminated land specialists, suggested several reasons for this such as: sites on the contaminated land register being difficult to sell and becoming a blight on the community; the removal in 2014 of ringfenced funding for investigations (funding was incorporated into the block grant under the Single Outcome Agreement); and the fact that the planning system is deemed effective at identifying and remediating most contaminated sites without being a burden on the taxpayer. A local authority in England has also stated that it is not identifying sites as it lacks the technical capability, resources and funding.[85]
A UK Government report found that between 2000 and 2013 an estimated 72,000 contaminated sites were ‘dealt with’ through planning applications compared to 5,500 sites handled through Part 2A in England and Wales, although exact details of what sites being dealt with entails are not provided.[86] In Scotland, SEPA stated that 807 sites were remediated via local authorities’ planning systems or through 36 voluntary remediation and that 13 sites were designated under Part 2A between 2000 and 2008, of which three were designated as special sites. In lieu of a more contemporary report, it is uncertain what progress has been made since 2008.[87]
Scotland’s Planning Advice Note on Development on Contaminated land does not set out any requirements for maintaining a public register of contaminated land identified through the planning process, noting that definition of contaminated sites differs in a planning context to that under Part 2A. Part 2A does allow for effective intervention should a site require inspection by a local authority where a potentially contaminated site is identified as part of the planning process.[88] Aggregated data on contaminated sites using the information from planning applications is not routinely produced by local authorities.
In 2013, the Institute of Environmental Scientists concluded that Part 2A is not wholly fit for purpose because local authorities are using other legislative avenues to remediate land. This tends to be through planning, but the guidance used (Planning Advice Notice 33) is not legislation.[89][90]
Without a comprehensive contamination register, it is not possible to assess the overall risk to the environment and human health of contaminated sites. Historically contaminated sites are likely to be vacant, with people unlikely to spend sufficient time at such sites for the contamination to pose a direct health risk.[91] However, historic contamination may pose a risk to surface and groundwater and subsequently to the aquatic environment and drinking water supplies.
In terms of managing contamination from atmospheric deposition, Scotland has established a nitrogen balance sheet to address the nitrogen loss from and deposition to soil. Scottish Government continues to develop the nitrogen balance sheet and monitoring programme to support and develop new policies to minimise losses to and from the environment (although the policy is relatively new) and the effects have not yet been observed.[92]
The proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law will require member states to update the Commission and European Environment Agency (EEA) on progress on the registration, investigation and management of contaminated sites every five years.[2]
Risk assessment – Medium: Local authorities may not be fulfilling their duties under Part 2A which may be a compliance issue. However, this may be because of ineffective legislation. The risk posed by unidentified contaminated sites is also unclear. ESS has therefore begun investigatory work on the application and effectiveness of Part 2A. ESS will monitor progress with implementation of the nitrogen balance sheet and the effectiveness of associated policies.
Risks from soil sealing
Soil sealing occurs when the ground is covered by an impermeable material such as concrete, tarmacadam or buildings or rendered impervious (by excessive surface compaction/degradation). Once soil is sealed its functionality is lost to the ecosystem and certain environmental risks increase. These include an increased risk of flooding, transmission of pollutants and water scarcity because of rapid surface water run-off into surface waterbodies instead of slower infiltration into the soil and groundwater reserves.[93] Soil sealing can also put biodiversity at risk, remove fertile soil from biomass production and reduce the amount of soil available for carbon sequestration.
An EU and UK wide study found that 20% of the soil sealed between 2012 and 2018 was of high biomass productivity potential. The total estimated loss of carbon sequestration potential for the whole of EU was estimated at 4 million tonnes and causing an estimated loss of 668 million m3 of water retention capacity.[27] An additional 1% of flooding caused by soil sealing could increase local authority flood damage costs by £2.6 million per year and lead to insurance claims of £57-76,000 per property for a single flood event.[9]
Other studies have also found that soil sealing poses a threat to UK soils by significantly affecting soil hydrological and microbial functions, although few studies have been carried out on the effect on other soil functions.[94]
In Scotland, the total amount of soil sealed (in urban areas and the wider countryside) in 2019 reached almost 2% of total land mass, increasing from around 1.4% in 2009, with a maximum amount of soil sealed of almost 6% in the Forth catchment.[25] This is roughly equivalent to the amount of sealed land in the EU, which was 2.3% in 2018.[26] Between 2009 and 2020, the amount of soil sealing in Scotland increased by around 22%.[95]
The type of land being sealed is important. However, if the land being sealed is prime agricultural land, then its loss is significant for food production. Soil sealing has been monitored at intervals between one and four years since at least 2009 and is reported on the Scotland’s Environment website.[25]
There is no legislation in Scotland to regulate soil sealing. However, NPF4 Policy 5 states that “development proposals will only be supported if they are designed and constructed […] in a manner that […] minimises soil sealing”.[49]
The EU Soil Monitoring Law proposed to address the amount of soil sealing by mandating that member states monitor land take and sealing. The method of measuring land take would be left to the member state, but must be based on scientific literature or be publicly available.[2] Member states should assess the impact of sealed land on the loss of ecosystem services and report a trend analysis every five years.[2]
The law proposes that where land take occurs, Member States must: reduce the area affected; select areas where the loss of ecosystem services will be minimised; and perform the land take in a way that minimizes the negative impact on soil by (for example, minimizing the area of sealing). The law will also require compensation, most likely in the form of offsetting, for the loss of soil capacity to provide ecosystem services.[2] The EU aims to have no net land take by 2050, a target mirrored by the Swiss National Soil Strategy.
Risk assessment – Low: Scotland compares favourably to the UK and the EU in terms of the amount of land sealed and the increase in rates of land sealing. Scotland reports regularly on the amount of land sealed. However, sealing is a potential future risk, which can pose a significant risk of flooding and economic damage in urban areas and could be addressed with adequate changes in policy and monitoring. By adopting the policies related to soil sealing in the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law which aim to offset the negative impacts of land sealing, Scotland has the opportunity to limit the effects of future soil sealing. ESS recommends that Scottish Government bring forward legislative proposals regarding data and monitoring as part of the commitment to keeping pace with EU law, specifically the proposed Soil Monitoring Law, and will monitor their response.
Risks from landfilling of waste soil
In 2022, around a quarter of the material disposed of in landfills in Scotland was soil, despite soil being a non-renewable resource. This soil comes from commercial and industrial sources, as well as household, construction and demolition activities. Over 99% of the soil treated as a waste is excavated during construction.[24] Stakeholders engaged in this report perceived that it often costs less to dispose of soil than reuse it and opportunities for soil recycling in Scotland are limited.
There are direct environmental impacts from removing and disposing of soil in landfill. These include removal of biomass, soil carbon, and most of the seedbank and nutrients from an ecosystem. The soils most likely to be removed are surface soils excavated during construction.[24] Surface soils, particularly topsoils, contain the highest carbon levels, nutrients and organic matter, as well as most of the microbial and fungal biomass and viable seeds.[96] Once soil is buried in landfill, soil functions are lost – it starts losing nitrogen, sulphur and carbon.[97] The Environment Agency has stated that “once soil is lost, its ability to deliver its functions is very difficult to retrieve and, in the long-term, this could be catastrophic”.[98]
Soil removal and disposal in landfill also has indirect environmental impacts. These include greenhouse gas emissions from transporting soil offsite and, at developments where soils are removed to protect human health or the water environment as part of remediation work, from transporting uncontaminated soils to replace those that have been removed. The use of aggregate to replace removed soil has environmental impacts from the quarrying, crushing and grading processes. In addition, the expansion of landfill sites damages landscapes. As discussed earlier in this report, movement of soil can also alter soil biodiversity and spread diseases and pests.
In Scotland, the construction industry produced 2,981,523 t of the 3,012,570 t of soil waste generated in Scotland in 2022. Approximately, 639,000 t of soil were landfilled in 2022, with construction industry being the largest contributor of landfilled soil.[24] The volumes of soil disposed of in landfill in Scotland in 2022 were equivalent to the average annual losses from erosion of up to 2,672 km2 of agricultural land, an area larger than Lanarkshire.[24][51] In England and Wales in 2018, ten times the amount of soil lost to erosion was disposed of in landfill.[99]
Alternatives to landfilling waste soil, which have the potential to reduce or mitigate the direct and indirect environmental impacts discussed above, include onsite remediation and recycling of soil waste. The rates of waste soil recycling and landfill disposal in Scotland vary according to whether it is classified as ‘hazardous’ or ‘non-hazardous’ waste under SEPA’s WM3 Waste Hazard Assessment guidance.[100]
Hazardous soils can be recycled for reuse on sites following cleaning of contamination. In Scotland, the proportion of hazardous soils recycled, relative to landfill disposal has varied substantially across the period 2011-2022, ranging from 2.3% in 2012 to 62.3% in 2017 (Figure 4‑3). In the most recent two years for which data are available (2021, 2022), no hazardous soils were recycled in Scotland. The amount of hazardous soils sent to landfill in 2021 and 2022 was also two out of the lowest three volumes disposed of between 2011-2022.[24]
Figure 4‑3: Management of hazardous soil waste. Tonnage of hazardous soils recycled or disposed of in landfill, including soils generated within and outwith Scotland, and soils managed in and outwith Scotland. Data source: SEPA Waste from All Sources Managed database.[24]
Non-hazardous soil waste can also be recycled. In Scotland, the proportion of non-hazardous soil waste that is recycled, relative to landfill, was higher and less variable that that of hazardous soil waste between 2011-2022 (Figure 4‑4). The highest proportion recycled was 78% in 2022, and the lowest was 54% in 2021. Non-hazardous soil waste that is disposed of in landfill is also subject to ‘Waste Acceptance Criteria’ analysis that determines whether the waste can be disposed of in an ‘inert’, ‘non-hazardous’ or ‘hazardous’ landfill according to the concentration of particular contaminants or the presence of other materials.[101]
Figure 4‑4: Management of non- hazardous soil waste. Tonnage of hazardous soils recycled or disposed of in landfill, including soils generated within and outwith Scotland, and soils managed in and outwith Scotland. Data source: SEPA Waste from All Sources Managed database.[24]
There are a variety of drivers that determine whether both hazardous and non-hazardous soil waste is recycled or landfilled in Scotland. A detailed review of these drivers and their relative importance is beyond the scope of this report. Soils sent to landfill are subject to landfill tax at rates set out in guidance from Revenue Scotland.[102] It is conceivable that applying a lower rate of tax to certain categories of soil may act as a disincentive to recycling and reuse. Further analysis would be required to determine whether, and to what extent, this is the case in practice.
Risk assessment – Medium: The loss of soil to landfill poses several risks to the services provided by soil and the wider environment. ESS will continue to monitor available data on rates of recycling and landfilling of soils in Scotland and will undertake any further analytical or investigation work as appropriate.
Risks from the application of waste to land
In recent years, the has been an increase in the application of waste products to improve soil nutrient concentrations in Scotland.[103] This includes use of anaerobic digestate and sewage sludge. Application of waste to land can introduce contaminants to soil and affect soil biodiversity. This, in turn, poses risks to human health through contaminated drinking water or food supply, and may impact ecosystem process and functions. The application of sewage sludge is also a source of microplastic contamination. One study has estimated that between 7.2 and 149 trillion plastic particles may be spread onto agricultural land across the EU in sewage sludge.[104] However, spreading of these materials aligns with circular economy goals and, in the absence of current alternative uses, sludge not spread on land tends to be incinerated.
The proportion of sewage sludge spread on land is relatively low in Scotland. Sewage sludge makes up 1.7% of the total waste spread on land, with the majority of the remainder (over 86%) being animal manure and slurry.[103] The spreading of both anaerobic digestate and sewage sludge in Scotland is regulated by SEPA. Anaerobic digestate spread on land must be certified to SEPA’s end of waste position which is based on the British Standards Institute Publicly Available Standard 110 or be subject to SEPA’s waste regulatory controls.[105] The use of sewage sludge on agricultural land in Scotland is regulated by the 1989 Sludge Use in Agriculture Regulations. Spreading on other land is controlled by SEPA’s waste regulatory framework.
Prior to spreading, sludge must be tested for the parameters in Table 4‑1: UK sewage sludge testing parameters.[106] However, there are additional contaminants that may be present in sewage sludge which are not tested for under the regulations. These include Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) which have contaminated drinking water and soil in other countries. Following contamination incidences, involving chemicals including PFAS which led to the poisoning of water, beef and milk, Switzerland, the Netherlands and some US states banned spreading of sewage sludge.[107][108]
UK Sewage Sludge Testing Parameters
Chemical parameters |
Other parameters |
Chromium |
pH |
Zinc |
Dry matter |
Copper |
Organic matter |
Nickel |
Nitrogen |
Cadmium |
Phosphorus |
Lead |
Mercury |
Table 4‑1: UK sewage sludge testing parameters.[109]
Information on organic contaminant contamination as a result of sewage sludge in Scotland is limited. No primary research studies have been identified that assessed contamination associated with sewage sludge spreading in Scotland. SEPA and CREW have carried out reviews and conclude that there are no causes for concern to human health, although the SEPA review was preliminary and CREW states that it remains unknown if there is a risk of PFAS contamination associated with sewage sludge spreading.[110][111][112]
No incidents of organic contaminant contamination like those in the US or Germany have been identified in Scotland by ESS. Similarly, no evidence has been found of groundwater acidification, leaching or eutrophication in Scotland and, provided that there is good practice management, there is little evidence of a direct link between sludge application and the microbiological quality of groundwater.[113][114][115]
In 2015, the Scottish Government commissioned a review of sewage spreading. It concluded that there were no proven health risks with spreading and that it was a more efficient and sustainable alternative to artificial fertilisers. The review made a significant number of recommendations relating to spreading practice, handling of complaints, regulation or operators, powers to stop problematic activity, storage, monitoring and quality of sludge. The recommendations relate to spreading practices, public nuisance and human health rather than soil and are therefore outside the scope of this report. The report did consider soil, but found there was not enough evidence to properly assess the risk to soil.[116]
In a review of the Sludge Directive in 2023, the EU concluded that the set of pollutants regulated in sewage sludge needs to be reviewed, notably considering organic contaminants, pathogens, pharmaceuticals and microplastics. The review also concluded that there is a lack of data on the environmental impact of spreading sewage sludge.[117]
Risk assessment – Medium: There is limited evidence available of negative impacts on soil and the environment in Scotland from sewage sludge spreading and studies specific to Scotland have not been able to reach conclusions on the risks, although soils have been significantly impacted in the US. At this stage, the lack of evidence makes it difficult to make recommendations regarding changes to the use and testing of sewage sludge. While the risk assessment score is medium, the evidence base must be built before further conclusions can be reached. ESS will continue to monitor this area and will consider further action if new evidence comes to light. ESS has recommended that Scottish Government, in association with the wider public sector (e.g. NatureScot, SEPA and Scottish Forestry amongst others) commission research to address identified gaps in the evidence base including the environmental impacts of spreading waste on land.
Risks from carbon sequestration schemes
Carbon sequestration schemes are intended to capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with the aim of reducing climate change. Schemes may include increasing below ground carbon stores (SOC) content or storing carbon in the above ground biomass of plants and associated root systems. Storing carbon in soils, in particular in carbon rich peatland soils, is a key aspect of the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan and the EU’s Soil Monitoring Law.[2][20]
Carbon sequestration through tree planting will also help to meet Scotland’s net zero by 2045 target and the Climate Change Committee has highlighted “support [for] agroforestry and hedgerows on Scottish farms” as an area where Scotland can do more. However, limited evidence on the impact and effectiveness of tree planting in relation to soil was found as part of this review and the conclusions are varied depending on initial soil carbon status. Studies in Scotland and the US found that tree planting can in fact reduce SOC to the point that the amount of carbon in the whole ecosystem drops and trees planted on organo-mineral soils may not result in net carbon sequestration for decades due to soil disturbance.[118][119][120]
Carbon may also be sequestered in grassland soils and farmers can sell carbon credits to private companies under the Peatland Code. However, studies in Scotland have found these soils to have the lowest carbon stocks and any sequestered carbon can be lost if soils previously in a sequestration scheme are then removed from the scheme and, for example, ploughed.[120] A loss of SOC due to tree planting for sequestration has the potential to impact other soil properties. Lower SOC can lead to increased compaction and erosion and a drop in biodiversity, as discussed earlier in this report.
In Scotland there is no regulation of carbon sequestration schemes, although voluntary codes such as the Peatland Code and Woodland Code do exist. The EU has provisionally agreed a carbon removals certification framework. This voluntary framework aims to certify high quality sequestration schemes including those restoring forests and soil and reducing soil carbon emissions. The framework requires certified sites to carry out monitoring and will make operators liable for any releases of carbon into the atmosphere.[121]
Risk assessment – Medium: In the absence of clear evidence on the impact of carbon sequestration schemes it is not possible to reach a conclusion on the risk these schemes pose to soil health, particularly soil carbon content, and the service provided by soil. While voluntary schemes such as the Peatland and Woodland Codes exist, there is a lack of mandatory regulation of carbon sequestration schemes, but without further research and monitoring it will be difficult to design a suitable regulatory framework. There is a potential keeping pace issue if the EU takes forward proposals for a carbon removals certification framework. It is considered that ESS’ added value of analytical work here is low until further research emerges. ESS has recommended that Scottish Government, in association with the wider public sector (e.g. NatureScot, SEPA and Scottish Forestry amongst others) commission research to address identified gaps in the evidence base including the impact on soil of carbon sequestration schemes.
Risks from the inconsistent approaches to data collection and monitoring
Soil surveying provides information on soil condition and degradation and can be used to ensure that risks to soil health are understood and prevented. Repeated surveying, as part of a monitoring programme, allows trends in soil condition that pose a risk to the wider environment to be identified.[8] Monitoring data can be used to assess whether changes in legislation or technology have improved soil health.
Other European countries have established successful monitoring schemes. NABO, Switzerland’s legally mandated soil monitoring network, has monitored 100 sites at five-year intervals since 1985.[122] The findings underpin recommendations to Swiss policy makers and have been used to identify negative trends in soil condition.[123] Similarly, Northern Ireland launched the Soil Nutrient Health Scheme to monitor all fields in Northern Ireland every four years. The data will be used by Northern Ireland to provide a baseline assessment of soil carbon, with the intention that the data will support a to transition to Net Zero farming.[124]
The proposed European Soil Monitoring Law will require member states to take soil measurements and health assessments, and to report their monitoring data to the European Commission and EEA every five years. Annual updates to land and soil sealing indicators will be required.[2] In addition, the EU Nature Restoration Law will require member states to monitor the stock of organic carbon in cropland mineral soil.
The lack of a Scottish soil monitoring regime has led to a lack of data on many of the risks identified in this report. This means it is difficult to reach conclusions on the state of soil and the risks posed to it, and to make recommendations for improvements. There is a potential keeping pace issue in relation to the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law without overarching legislation in Scotland on soil health.
The lack of a consistent soil monitoring regime has led to a range of different parameters being used to measure soil in Scotland. The inherent inconsistency in survey programmes, means that establishing a relevant baseline from which to monitor changes in soil is challenging.
Consistent soil health indicator metrics allow different sets of monitoring data to be easily compared and to assess trends. Establishing a comprehensive suite of metrics also ensures that no important aspects of soil health are missed during monitoring.
Several attempts to determine a set of metrics to monitor have been made. The 2003 UK soil indicator Consortium[125] led by Environment Agency (EA), Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) 2023 report[126], NABO, ClimateXChange, James Hutton Institute and the EU have all created lists of metrics. There is disparity between all of them in terms of the specific metrics, but they generally all assess the soil’s physical and chemical properties and nutrients. The JNCC, NABO and proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law also consider indicators for biodiversity. To date, only the NSIS and NABO metrics have been used in nationwide monitoring schemes. These are summarised in Table 4‑2.
Indicator |
NSIS1 (1978) & NSIS2 (2007) [127] |
NABO (1985 onwards) [128] |
Environment Agency (2006) [129] |
JNCC (2023) [130] |
EU Soil Monitoring Law (2023)[2] |
ClimateXChange (2021) [131] |
Northern Ireland Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (2023) [124] |
Soil physical properties (compaction, water retention, erosion, structure etc.) |
Electrical conductivity |
X |
Exchangeable cations |
X |
Base cations |
X |
Loss on ignition |
X |
Soil erosion rate |
X |
Aggregate stability |
X |
Grain size content |
X |
Soil structure and aggregate distribution |
X |
Soil compaction |
X |
Bulk density/porosity |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Bulk density in topsoil |
X |
Infiltration/hydraulic conductivity |
X |
Soil water retention |
X |
X |
X |
Water and air flow |
X |
Moisture content |
X |
Topsoil depth |
X |
Visual evaluation of soil structure |
X |
Erosion features |
X |
Soil nutrient content |
Extractable phosphorus/phosphate |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Nutrient content |
X |
Hydrogen and aluminium content |
X |
Sodium content |
X |
Calcium content |
X |
Magnesium content |
X |
X |
Potassium content |
X |
X |
Soil nitrogen |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Nutrient flux |
X |
Sulphur content |
X |
Soil chemical properties (contamination, carbon content etc) |
Soil contamination (heavy metals + organic contaminants) |
X |
X |
Copper, nickel and zinc |
X |
Soil acidity |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Soil organic matter/carbon |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Dissolved organic carbon |
X |
Biodiversity indicators |
Soil basal respiration (indicator for biodiversity) |
X |
X |
X |
Water and air flow |
X |
Microbial biomass |
X |
X |
Fungal and bacterial community composition |
X |
X |
X |
Earthworms |
X |
X |
Functional genes |
X |
Table 4‑2: Soil health indicator metrics from NSIS, Swiss National Soil Monitoring Network (NABO), Environment Agency, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law and Northern Ireland Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (SNHS).
The Soil Monitoring Action and Implementation Plans produced following the State of Scotland’s Soil report do not include a list of metrics. Scotland’s Soils website states that at the time “these [plans] recognised it was not possible to set up a one-size-fits-all monitoring programme across Scotland”. [132]
Establishing a mandatory soil monitoring network with a consistent set of indicator metrics will allow trends in soil to be monitored in Scotland. Determining which metrics to use is beyond ESS’ remit and expertise. Failing to adopt the metrics from the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law, with additional Scotland-specific metrics added if required, is a potential keeping pace issue.
Risk assessment – High: In the absence of a single, systematic monitoring regime with regular repeat sampling in Scotland, scientists, forest managers and farmers cannot track trends in soils and an assessment cannot be made on the extent to which policy changes relating to soil are effective in improving soil health. This could be rectified if Scotland’s commitment under the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021 to keep pace with EU law are met and a monitoring regime meeting the requirements of the proposed Soil Monitoring Law are adopted.
Without a consistent set of health indicator metrics, the ability to compare monitoring data to identify trends over time and across areas is limited. In light of the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law this is a potential keeping pace issue.
ESS recommends that Scottish Government bring forward legislative proposals regarding data and monitoring to, as a minimum, keep pace with the proposed EU Soil Monitoring Law and will monitor their response.
[1] Environmental Standards Scotland, Strategic Plan 2022-2025, (2022) Strategic Plan 2022-25 – Environmental Standards Scotland.
[2] European Commission; (2023) Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Soil Monitoring and Resilience (Soil Monitoring Law).
[3] European Commission, (2022) Proposal for a Regulation Of The European Parliament And Of The Council On Nature Restoration.
[7] Buckingham, S., Rees, R. M. and Watson, C.A. (2013) “Issues and Pressures Facing the Future of Soil Carbon Stocks with Particular Emphasis on Scottish Soils.” The Journal of Agricultural Science 152, no. 5: p699–715, doi: 10.1017/s0021859613000300.
[8] Dobbie, K E, Bruneau, P M.C. and Towers, W. (2011) “The State of Scotland’s Soil.” Natural Scotland. sepa.org.uk/media/138741/state-of-soil-report-final.pdf.
[9] Baggaley, N; Fraser, F; Hallett, P; Lilly, A; Jabloun, M; Loades, K; Parker, T; Rivington, M; Sharififar, A; Zhang, Z; Roberts, M (2024). CREW. Assessing the socio-economic impacts of soil degradation on Scotland’s water environment.
[17] Rees, RM., Buckingham, S., Chapman, S. J., Lilly, A., Matthews, R., Morison, J., Perks, M., Vanguelova, E., Yamulki, S., & Yeluripati, J. B. (2018). Soil carbon and land use in Scotland. Scotland’s Rural College, James Hutton Institute & Forest Research. soil-carbon-and-land-use-in-scotland.pdf (climatexchange.org.uk).
[20] Scottish Government, Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032, (2020), Update to the Climate Change Plan 2018 – 2032: Securing a Green Recovery on a Path to Net Zero (www.gov.scot), p184.
[21]Jones, Arwyn & Panagos, Panos & Barcelo, S & Bouraoui, Faycal & Bosco, Claudio & Dewitte, Olivier & Gardi, Ciro & Erhard, M & Hervás, J & Hiederer, R. (2012). The state of soil in Europe. JRC reference report. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra.
[24] Scottish Environment Protection Agency, “Waste Discover Data Tool,” Waste (from all sources), accessed 1st August 2024, Waste (from all sources) (sepa.org.uk), Management Tab.
[25] Scotland’s Environment, “Indicator 13: Soil Sealing,” Indicator 13: Soil sealing | Scotland’s environment web, accessed August 16, 2023, Indicator 13: Soil sealing | Scotland’s environment web.
[26] German Environment Agency, (2022) “Prevention of Land Take,” Umwelt Bundesamt, Prevention of land take (ecologic.eu).
[27] Tóth, Gergely, Ivits, Eva, Prokop, Gundula, Gregor, Mirko, Fons-Esteve, Jaume, Milego Agràs, Roger and Mancosu, Emanuele. (2022). “Impact of Soil Sealing on Soil Carbon Sequestration, Water Storage Potentials and Biomass Productivity in Functional Urban Areas of the European Union and the United Kingdom” Land 11, no. 6: p840. doi: 10.3390/land11060840.
[29] Government Digital Service, (2015), “Contaminated Land,” GOV.UK, Land contamination: technical guidance – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
[38] Lilly, A, Baggaley, NJ,Loades, K, McKenzie, BM and Troldborg, M. (2018) “Soil Erosion and Compaction in Scottish Soils: Adapting to a Changing Climate.” ClimateXChange.
[39] Nawaz, Muhammad Farrakh, Bourrie, Guihelm, and Trolard, Fabienne. (2012), “Soil Compaction Impact and Modelling. A Review – Agronomy for Sustainable Development.” SpringerLink, doi: 10.1007/s13593-011-0071-8.
[40] Bennett, A. (2015), “Soil Organisms Stabilise Soil Structure.” AHDB. Soil organisms stabilise soil structure | AHDB.
[41] Smith, R, (2017), “Catchment Based Approach Partnerships”, Soils and Natural Flood Management Devon and Cornwall.
[42] Lamandé, Mathieu, Schjønning, Per and Hvarregaard Thorsøe, Martin. (2019) Soil compaction: Drivers, pressures, state, impacts and responses. Tjele: DCA – Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, DCArapport155.pdf (au.dk).
[43] Ball, BC., Scott, A., & Parker, JP. (1999). Field N2O, CO2 and CH4 fluxes in relation to tillage, compaction and soil quality in Scotland. Soil and Tillage Research, 53(1), p29 – 39. Advance online publication.
[44] Kutzbach, HD; (2000) Trends in Power and Machinery, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, Volume 76, Issue 3, p237-247, ISSN 0021-8634, doi: 10.1006/jaer.2000.0574.
[45] Schjønning, P, Lamandé, M, Thorsøe, MH and Frelih-Larsen, A. (2018) “Policy Brief: Subsoil Compaction – A Threat to Sustainable Food Production and Soil Ecosystem Services.” Ecologic Institute | Science and Policy for a Sustainable World. 2730_recare_subsoil-compaction_web.pdf (ecologic.eu).
[46] Arthur, E, Lamandé, M, Nazari, M, Nawaz, MM and Fouladidorhani, M. (2022). “Recovery of Soil Ecosystem Services after Traffic-Induced Soil Compaction across Europe.” Aarhus University, 2022. Recovery of soil ecosystem services after traffic-induced soil compaction across Europe — Aarhus University (au.dk).
[47] Palmer, R. C. and Smith, R.P. (2013). “Soil Structural Degradation in SW England and Its Impact on Surface-Water Runoff Generation.” Soil Use and Management 29 (4): p567–75. doi: 10.1111/sum.12068.
[48] Hargreaves, P, (2015) “Soil Compaction Reduces Grassland Yield – Scotland’s Rural College,” Scotland’s Rural College, soil-compaction.pdf (sruc.ac.uk).
[49] Scottish Government. (2023). “National Planning Framework 4.” Www.gov.scot. February 13, 2023. National Planning Framework 4 – gov.scot (www.gov.scot).
[50] Scottish Government (2022), “Minimum land management reflecting site specific conditions to limit erosion (GAEC 5),” Rural Payments and Services – GAEC 5: Minimising soil erosion – Guidance – GOV.UK, Minimum land management reflecting site specific conditions to limit erosion (GAEC 5) (ruralpayments.org).
[51] Rickson, Deeks, Graves, Hannam, Keay, Lilly, and Baggaley. (2019). Developing a method to estimate the costs of soil erosion in high-risk Scottish catchments. Developing a method to estimate the costs of soil erosion in high-risk Scottish catchments: final report – gov.scot (www.gov.scot).
[52] Panagos, Panos, Borrelli, Pasquale, Poesen, Jean, Ballabio, Cristiano, Lugato, Emanuele, Meusburger, Katrin, Montanarella, Luca and Alewell, Christine. (2015) “The New Assessment of Soil Loss by Water Erosion in Europe.” Environmental Science & Policy 54: p438–47. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.08.012.
[53] Forti, Luca, Brandolini, Filippo, Oselini, Valentina, Peyronel, Luca, Pezzotta, Andrea, Vacca, Agnese and Zerboni, Andrea. (2023) “Geomorphological Assessment of the Preservation of Archaeological Tell Sites.” Scientific Reports 13, no. 1. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-34490-4.
[54] Reid, V. and Milek, K. (2021), “Risk and Resources: An Evaluation of the Ability of National Soil Datasets to Predict Post-Depositional Processes in Archaeological Sites and Heritage at Risk.” Heritage 4, no. 2: p725–58. doi: 10.3390/heritage4020041.
[55] Environmental Standards Scotland (2024), Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2017 – Informal Resolution Report IES.23.022. Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2017 – Environmental Standards Scotland.
[56] Bloomfield, J. (2022), “Groundwater’s Role in the Current Drought.” British Geological Survey. Groundwater’s role in the current drought – British Geological Survey (bgs.ac.uk).
[57] Scotland’s Environment. (2011), “Groundwater .” Scotland’s Environment Web. water-groundwater.pdf (environment.gov.scot).
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