• 17 February 2025

What is this report about?

This report summarises the responses to ESS’ Call for Evidence on the Control and Impact of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS), conducted between May and July 2024. It highlights key issues raised by stakeholders, including the effectiveness of legislation, resource challenges and the need for better co-ordination and public awareness.


The report also sets out ESS’ next steps, which include monitoring policy developments, engaging with stakeholders and prioritising issues for further analysis.

  • 17 February 2025

Why should people be interested in this report?

INNS pose a serious threat to our environment, economy and way of life. Scotland’s unique ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to these pressures. They are one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss, disrupting ecosystems, outcompeting native species and contributing to 60% of recorded global extinctions.


The economic impact of INNS is also significant. Managing INNS across Great Britain costs an estimated £1.9 billion annually, affecting industries such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism. These species can also reduce recreational opportunities, pose health risks and threaten Scotland’s cultural and historical landscapes. Tackling INNS effectively requires strong policies, robust enforcement and public engagement to prevent their spread and minimise their impacts.

  • 17 February 2025

What areas of environmental law are relevant to this work?

There are a number of environmental laws and regulations relevant to the prevention and control of INNS, for example the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Further scrutiny by ESS will focus on whether existing environmental law in this area is effective, including how it is being implemented and applied.

  • 17 February 2025

What has ESS done?

Between May and July 2024, ESS conducted a call for evidence to gather insights about the effectiveness of Scotland’s approach to managing invasive non-native species.


ESS received 31 responses from key stakeholders, including public bodies, local authorities, environmental NGOs, land managers and individuals. These responses addressed a wide range of issues, from terminology and public awareness to management strategies, enforcement and ecological impacts.


ESS conducted a qualitative analysis of the responses, identifying key themes and areas of consensus and divergence among stakeholder groups.

  • 17 February 2025

What was the result?

This call for evidence formed part of the first phase of ESS’ project on INNS, helping provide a clearer understanding of the key challenges and areas requiring further scrutiny. It also allowed ESS to identify key themes from stakeholder responses, providing valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in Scotland’s approach to INNS management.


Throughout the scoping process, priority issues were identified that will guide the next phase of work, focusing on detailed analysis, engagement with responsible bodies and potential policy recommendations.


Ultimately, it is hoped that this work will contribute to stronger INNS prevention, monitoring and enforcement, leading to long-term improvements in biodiversity protection.

  • 17 February 2025

What happens next?

Based on responses to our call for evidence, ESS will now prioritise areas for further analysis, focusing on the key themes raised such as legislative enforcement, biosecurity measures and co-ordination between responsible bodies. This next phase of work will involve engaging with stakeholders, gathering additional evidence and assessing whether further scrutiny or formal recommendations are required.


The findings will also help shape ESS’ ongoing monitoring of policy developments and future stakeholder engagement. ESS will continue to monitor the Scottish Government’s approach to INNS management, tracking legislative and policy developments, including the forthcoming Natural Environment (Scotland) Bill.


Disclaimer: please note that the views summarised in this report reflect respondent opinions and do not represent the position of ESS.


Please click here to read the report in full or download above.

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