Environmental Standards Scotland
Environmental Standards Scotland (ESS) is an independent public body that was set up in 2021. Our mission is to ensure that Scotland’s environmental laws and standards are complied with, and that their effectiveness is improved following the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.
ESS’ functions are set out in the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021 and include: scrutinising and investigating public authorities’ compliance with environmental law, the effectiveness and adequacy of the law and how it is implemented and applied in Scotland. We have a range of statutory powers to secure compliance with environmental law or to drive improvements in the effectiveness of environmental law.
To support our mission, ESS investigates environmental concerns brought to us by members of the public and undertakes our own monitoring and analytical work. As part of our activity, we may carry out, commission or support any research that we consider appropriate to delivering our mission.
Our Areas of Research Interest
In undertaking investigation and analytical work, ESS has identified evidence gaps or research needs that currently limit our ability to fully scrutinise the effectiveness of environmental law and public authorities’ compliance with it and/or limit the ability of ESS and public authorities to understand environmental status in Scotland. To date, ESS has made several specific recommendations which call on public authorities including the Scottish Government, SEPA and NatureScot to undertake new research or environmental monitoring. These evidence gaps and recommendations are reported within ESS publications, shared on our website.
This Areas of Research Interest document collates ESS’ recommendations on research and evidence requirements that have been identified through our investigations and analytical work conducted under the eight environmental topic areas identified in ESS’ 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. A number of these evidence gaps relate to a lack of national scale environmental data for Scotland, including cases where only partial regional data are available and cases where only UK or European level data are available.
This document is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of research and evidence needs under each topic, and ESS acknowledges that research may be in progress for some of the identified needs. ESS intends to periodically update our ARIs in line with any new evidence needs that we identify and/or recommendations that we make in relation to research needs.
Engaging with Environmental Standards Scotland’s Areas of Research Interest
In sharing our Areas of Research Interest, ESS is seeking to motivate research funders and research teams to deliver new scientific evidence on key environmental topics which can be used by both ESS and wider public authorities to deliver their functions. ESS will use this ARI document in our ongoing engagement with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and other bodies, to inform and support the focus of environmental research funding.
For researchers submitting funding or grant applications, we hope that referencing ESS’ ARIs will help to strengthen your case for the public impact of the research. While we cannot respond to speculative approaches for research funding, ESS will where possible act to support research ambitions that align with our interests, and we will consider requests for non-financial support. ESS contact details can be found on our website and under section 3.