Professor Annalisa Savaresi

Board Member

Professor Annalisa Savaresi is Professor of International Environmental Law at the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law, University of Eastern Finland, where she serves as Director for the Joint Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Law. She furthermore holds a part-time post at the University of Stirling, UK and a visiting professorship at the University of Bologna (Italy).

Annalisa is an expert in environmental law, with 20 years’ experience working with international and nongovernmental organisations. She has written extensively on the relationship between human rights and climate change law. Her work has been cited widely, including by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Annalisa is currently Director for Europe of the Global Network on Human Rights and the Environment, associate editor of the Review of European, Comparative and International Law, and member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law. She has given evidence to the UK, EU and Scottish Parliaments. Annalisa sits on the Board of Environmental Standards Scotland, the body scrutinising Scottish public authorities’ compliance with environmental law, and chairs its International Advisory Panel.

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